Code of Conduct – Appropriate Behaviour
The school’s behaviour management programme supports both staff and students in
developing quality inter-relationships that can be sustained over time.
We expect students to behave with a specific code of conduct, so students and staff can learn in a safe and positive environment. Students will be rewarded with TIS WAY cards (certificates) which are drawn out at assembly to win a tuckshop voucher or a sports ball for doing the right thing and demonstrating the values of the T.I.S way:
Thinking/Whaiwhakaaro – Responsibly, Creatively and Critically
Involved/Whaiwāhitanga – Be actively involved in learning and the community
Showing Respect/Manaakitanga – For self, others and the Environment
T.I.S way cards also contribute to the child’s Whanau group points. Each child is placed in a whanau group (Ngauruhoe, Tauhara, Tongariro, Ruapehu). They receive points for good behaviour, participation and excellence in activities. The winning Whanau group each term receives a free mufti day. The Whanau groups are a mix of year 7 and 8s and is an opportunity for student leadership, students to build relationships across the school, promote involvement and a sense of belonging.
We have a behaviour management plan for students not meeting these expectations, this plan is on display in every class. The green stage is for minor misdemeanors, this is dealt with by the teacher by restorative conversations. Orange stage is a daily report and is for moderate/repeated minor misdemeanors which is dealt with by the team leader and teacher; with a detention and reflection time for students. Red stage is for major behaviour issues which is dealt with by the senior leadership team. When students are on the orange and red stages, parents will be informed straight away. Any green behaviour that is repeated, teachers will also notify parents.
Our behaviour management plan can only be successful if we have the support of our parents and community and we are all consistent.
* Look after yourself, others and the school property.
* Acceptable behaviour is the “norm”.
* Use common sense and courtesy.
* Meet expected deadlines.
* Wear the correct school uniform.
* Keep the school clean and tidy.
* Act in a responsible and mature manner.
* Keep within school boundaries.
* Know and work on our School Goals.
* Getting to school regularly and on time.
* Cell phones – if your child needs their phone they need to hand it in at the office in the morning and collect at 3pm.
* Expensive personal items. e.g. I pads
* Labelled clothing, especially jackets.
* Collectors cards / items.
* Dangerous, harmful substances and/or objects.
* Chewing gum.
* Alcohol.
* Drugs including smokes, lighters, matches.
* Gang “insignia” eg; patches, colours
- The school firmly believes that teachers have a right to teach and students have a right to learn in a positive environment.
- Under the umbrella of school-wide standards and protocols (for classrooms/playground and „dress‟ code rules) rights and responsibilities are clearly defined in every classroom.
- Making wise decisions or the right choices and taking responsibility for the consequences of unwise choices – play an important part in the school’s behaviour ethos‟