Orientation Week

Event Details

Orientation Week starts Tuesday 29th October to Friday 1st November. This involves Year 6 students from our contributing school i.e. Taupo, Wairakei, Waipahihi and Tauhara Primary Schools each having a designated morning session with us here at Taupo Intermediate School. Students from any other schools are more than welcome to attend these sessions on a day that suits them.

The morning starts at 9:15 with a Powhiri in the School hall to welcome the whole group to our school, an introduction from the Principal followed by a video produced by teachers and students of life here at Taupo Intermediate. Some of our students then present in their own words what they think about our school, what they like doing here, their apprehension of starting a new school, and how they feel about leaving and going onto college. The students are then grouped and partake in several different technology lessons so they get a taste of how things are done around here.

All students can pick up an enrolment pack on departing, containing a 2020 Prospectus, enrolment form.

During this same week the Principal holds parent meetings at each of the contributing schools during the early evening, where there is a questioning forum and information shared. For parents who are outside of these schools there is a meeting here at TIS for you to attend, you can of cause attend any of the other contributing schools evening if it suit you better. These dates and times will be advertised in the local papers closer to the time.

If you are unable to attend this week of events, please phone the office 07 378 8097 or e-mail admin@taupointermediate.co.nz and we can post you an enrolment pack.