Community Survey Results
Recently we asked you all to complete a community survey administered by NZCER – New Zealand Council for Education Research which covered a number of
Recently we asked you all to complete a community survey administered by NZCER – New Zealand Council for Education Research which covered a number of
Well done to the 88 students who competed in the PCT Challenge today … CONGRATULATIONS to Team 12 …Sammie Maxwell, Maggie Draper-Kidd, Gavin MacMillan and
Here are some photos of the students who are over in Noumea with Mrs Westerman and Mr Bricklebank. We are looking forward to hearing about
Surveys have gone home today (4th July) … here is the link to the website to fill out … input your individual code – or
Taupo Intermdediate hosted the BOP / Poverty Bay Intermediate Squash Champs on the 30th May at the Taupo Squash Club. We had many students who
The first round of Specialisation started this week. Every student is involved in a group and will have the opportunity to change at the end
22 Kotare Street,
Hilltop, Taupo 3330
New Zealand
Phone: 07 378 8097=
Email: admin@taupointermediate.co.nz